It's an open area with not much to do but fight, and by the time you get to Pulse, you're already sick of fighting. There are other areas you can go to, but it's mainly just to do bounty hunting quests. Sure you're "exploring" going by the dictionary definition of the word, but there is not sense of adventure or wonder to really call it "exploring."įFXIII opens up when you're 85% of the way through the game. Maybe you'd find a chest with a Goho-M in it or a golden chest at best. I dunno, P3 and P4's procedurally generated dungeons were incredibly boring and it's not like you'd ever discover a new town or anything by going off the beaten path. In fact I would say the maps of games like Dissidia and Lost Odyssey are largely superfluous since they don't have much in the way of hidden locations. I think a world map is a useful tool that should always be an option for developers, but it is far from essential.

I never got to Pulse and I hear that that is the point when the world of XIII opens up so I can't really speak to that game. I never got the sense of wonder or mystery from the world of FFXIII, but I bailed on that game 20 hours in. I would say P3 and P4 manage a sense of exploration through their use of large, randomly-generated dungeons. I mean the game is largely a march down a preordained pilgrimage road. Also the areas in FFX had plenty of stuff off the beaten path. I would say that FFX managed to add some mystery to the world by creating a second language and hiding additional dungeons on the 2D map.

You certainly don't need a world map to have a sense of exploration.