Why did the chicken cross the Mobius strip? To get to the same side.Where do math majors party? In bar graphs.What do you need to grow your trigonometry skills? Square roots.Is it true that old mathematicians never die? Yes, they just lose some of their functions.How do mathematicians reprimand their kids? "If I've told you n times, I've told you n+1 times!".What did the 0 say to the 8? Nice belt.How do you make seven an even number? Remove the “s.”.Why do plants hate math? Because it gives them square roots.My perfect partner is the square root of -100 - a perfect 10, but also imaginary.Why don’t math majors throw house parties? Because it’s dangerous to drink and derive.

Why should you never trust someone writing on graph paper? Because they’re probably plotting something.Do you know who invented algebra? An x-pert.Why didn't the quarter roll down the hill with his friend the dime? Because it had more cents.What do you call a group of dudes who love math? Alge-bros.Looking for more inspiration? Check out our compilations of the best jokes for kids and dad-style corny jokes guaranteed to make you smile. Just how many math jokes should you test out from our list, you might ask? Pi's the limit! Or pick your favorite math jokes and puns to use as a perfectly punny social media caption for the mathematically inclined. Use these math jokes to entertain your kids at home or in your classroom - or make them roll their eyes and groan. Whether Pi Day registers on your calendar (maybe you’re even making a special piefor the occasion?), or you just can't resist a cheesy math joke at any time of year, we've got more than 100 silly punchlines and wordplays to get you started. But it’s also a homonym that is absolutely begging to be made into math jokes and puns. Sure, pi is technically the ratio of the circumference of any circle to the diameter of that circle and it’s a mathematical constant. That's because every March 14 - 3.14, that is - is Pi Day, so named for the set of numerals that make up its date. Come spring, everyone's a joker about math.