If Halo Infinite is a smash hit, it’s likely that the true success for Microsoft will come from Starfield’s release. See also Hood Outlaws And Legends Review Winching The Night Away Additionally, its status as a day one Xbox Game Pass game will likely also help it find greater success than seen before in the franchise.
In fact, a new, well-reviewed Halo game on the relatively new Xbox Series X/S might shape up to be the biggest release in the series. Because of Halo 5: Guardians’ mixed reception, fans of the series might be skeptical about Infinite, but it just might be able to see the highs that the series has seen in its earlier days. For good reason, the original Halo: Combat Evolved put Microsoft on the map as a console producer that should be taken seriously. The Halo series has seen some of the biggest releases in all of video game history.

If Halo Infinite is able to start the lineup of first-party releases on the Series X/S with a bang, it’s going to set Xbox up for some even bigger smash hit releases, namely Starfield. The games being released by them over the past few years haven’t been bad by any means, but they certainly haven’t hit the highs that the company might be hoping for. If 343 Industries can capitalize on that and deliver a Halo experience that lives up to the franchise’s legacy while also bringing in new fans to the series, it should realign faith in Microsoft’s first-party studios. While still popular, longtime fans of the series are hoping that Halo Infinite will be a return to form and capture the magic of the original Halo trilogy. The most recent mainline entries in the Halo franchise have had mixed receptions from audiences. See also 10 Features In Old WWE Video Games That We Miss What Halo Infinite Needs to Be There’s a lot to be excited about from Microsoft’s E3 conference, but perhaps the two most telling things for its future are Halo and Starfield, two games that can help establish the Xbox Series X/S. Halo Infinite will be the first voice of Microsoft first-party games on the newest console generation, but it might end up being Starfield that truly takes things to the next level.

In a similar way, Starfield is coming exclusively to Xbox consoles in 2022 (as well as PC), so some of Starfield’s success might be riding on how well Halo Infinite is received. Halo Infinite has been highly anticipated ever since its announcement and eventual delay, but now that it’s set to come out later this year, the game will be the first major first-party release for the Xbox Series X/S. Now that the companies have shown off more extended looks at both Halo Infinite and Starfield, Microsoft is beginning to telegraph what its future is going to look like to consumers. The Xbox-Bethesda showcase was one of the most anticipated events for E3 2021. You Are Reading : Halo Infinite Gets the Ball Rolling for Xbox Starfield is the Future Halo Infinite will hopefully set up Starfield for even greater success, but that’s all dependant on how the game is received. Starfield and the Future of the Xbox Series X.

Halo Infinite Gets the Ball Rolling for Xbox, Starfield is the Future.