They were in the first Team Fortress for only one version after it was removed for being a game breaker (there was no wait for the teleporter to recharge, unlike in the later games). Older Than They Think: Most people believe that the teleporter was added for the first time in TFC.Also getting healed by a medic and getting your armor repaired by an engineer.The sound effect after getting a backpack or medkit.Most Wonderful Sound: Hearing the SPLAT! sound after gibbing someone is very satisfying, and it lets the other player know how hard he/she got his/her ass kicked.Memetic Mutation: 'Enjoy your AIDS!' and 'EXCUSE ME! I'M IN NEED OF MEDICAL ATTENTION!'.First Installment Wins: Some players still prefer the original Team Fortress for its fun and frantic gameplay, and it's simple but more competitive feel over the second game.The Team Fortress 2 webcomic solidifies this by having the Classic Heavy being shown as the leader of the retired squad.Face of the Band: Although not as much as in TF2, the Heavy Weapons Guy was the only class that was on the box art and the only one that is on the main menu.Infect and run Medics can be a REAL pain when your team has no medics to heal your teammates, while you and a few others are chasing the speedy fucker as you are losing your health by the second.Building teleporters in your base with usually a sentry guarding it while they go around killing your teammates by the 3's with their EMP grenades. Combat Engineers are really a nuisance if you are playing offense vs defense.Demonic Spiders: With enough skill, any class (except maybe Scouts) can becomes this, but here are some specific examples.The map has a children art style, that combined with the game's overall seriousness, can be quite funny to play for the first time. The goal of the map is to have someone on one of four teams wear a Teletubbies costume so his team can score points over time. Funny Moments: Many community maps, most infamously Smeer the Queer.Valve later retconned TFC Pyro into a woman, despite her using the same male voicelines as the other characters.