Part 1: heal Trico, free Trico from chains, use the mirror and escape the cave.There are a few dead ends, but nothing that will take you too far off course. There really is only one direction you can go in during the game, despite it looking vast and complicated.

If it's wounded, climb up and pull the spears loose. After any fights with the guards, check Trico for spears.Scared? Go ahead on your own and remove whatever the obstacle is that's causing the tension. Is it hungry? Then you'll need to find and feed it the glowing barrels. If Trico's eyes are glowing, there's a problem.Climb on its back and pet it with the circle button around the neck and back and it will sit down and calm down. Sometimes you'll just need to calm Trico down before it will move forward.You can use commands on Trico after a certain point in the game.If they carry you all the way to the blue doors it's game over. When you are caught and picked by the guards, mash the face buttons and d-pad and they'll drop you.They will usually gaze in the general direction of your next step, whether that's at a particular puzzle or location. Not sure which direction to go, or where you should head next? Observe where Trico and the boy are looking.You can unlock secret outfits, including those from Shadow of the Colossus and Ico.Note: although this is a walkthrough, we are careful not to discuss cutscenes and avoid spoilers unless absolutely neccesary, so you can still discover the story for yourselves. And while we're here, how about some general advice and tips to help. We've put together a complete visual guide to the game, and split it into bite size chapters should you get stuck and need some assistance. It just so happens that you partner is a giant cat-bird-dragon thing that can only understand simple commands. The Last Guardian is an adventure game with an alternative approach to action, where you rely on you partner to tackle obstacles and defeat enemies. Solve all the puzzles and the mystery behind this unique platform adventure with our complete visual walkthrough.